Assistant Professor Adhoc (Grade I)

The Neotia University

Dr. Suman Karmakar is an Assistant Professor Adhoc (Grade I) in the Division of Fisheries Science at the School of Agriculture and Allied Science at The Neotia University, Diamond Harbour Rd, Sarisha, West Bengal. He received his Doctor of Philosophy Degree in the subject of Aquatic Environment Management from West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences. He was qualified ICAR-ASRB net in the discipline of Fisheries Resource Management. He also completed his Master’s Degree in the subject of Aquatic Environment Management from West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences. He participated in different types of National and International Symposium. Aquatic Ecology, Aquatic Toxicology, and Aquatic Biodiversity are his areas of expertise. He published a number of research articles in National and International Journals.

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